Biofarm brands were created to meet the needs and expectations of our customers, differentiating Biofarm products from competitors' products. Biofarm products are recognized, valued and fulfil the company's promise of quality, professionalism, efficiency and accessibility.

Through its well-designed and managed brands, Biofarm has created a favourable reputation and notoriety, thus increasing the confidence among its buyers, customers and consumers.

Biofarm brands facilitate the change of consumer behaviour by creating trust, knowledge, along with an emotional connection or by reducing the risk of confusion.

Being well aware of the importance of its brands, Biofarm is constantly investing in creating, protecting and promoting own brands.

Currently, Biofarm has many own brands (verbal, combined, figurative) and slogans registered at OSIM, OHIM and WIPO, many of them being present on the Romanian pharmaceutical market for over 50 years.

Triferment®, Colebil®, Cavit®, Anghirol®, Clorocalcin® and Bixtonim® are just a few of Biofarm's most popular and traditional brands. Other well-known brands of the company are Carmol®, Pinovital®, Hepatoprotect®, Ascolecitin®, Sennalax®, Mecopar®. On the other hand, newer brands such as Bioflu®, Anghirol®, Devaricid®, Nervocalmin®, Carbocit®, Bioland® or Biodigest® will become premium brands due to the therapeutic capabilities of the products.